
Health and Wellbeing Day 2021


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'Be Well to Do Well'

Just like muscle groups or areas of fitness, the PERMA+ elements can be tested, targeted and developed through the practice of ongoing 'Positive Interventions or strategies.' Created by wellbeing practitioners and researchers around the globe, these include exercises or strategies, like keeping a gratitude journal, breaking the cycle of negative thinking, developing your strengths, finding meaning in small tasks, and creating meaningful connections with others. Our 'Be well to do well' programs for Years 10 - 12 explored a range of strategies to boost our sense of physical, social and mental wellbeing.

Year 10 students enjoyed a full day program dedicated to developing and practising wellbeing strategies to support their academic journey at QAHS as well as taking part in discussions around health with invited presenters. Silent yoga and engaging in play for both exercise and to strengthen relationships across the cohort were a big hit with students who enjoyed experiencing mindfulness and being able to play capture the flag with their peers. Mrs McGovern expertly guided students around how creativity can be used as a wellbeing strategy as they developed their own mandalas.

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Relationships in the PERMA model refer to feeling supported, loved, and valued by others. Relationships are included in the model based on the idea that humans are inherently social creatures. It is a key component to being mentally healthy, and having a positive sense of wellbeing. Year 11 spent the day connecting with their peers and engaging in discussions with the school-based youth health nurse team around respectful relationships and how to recognise and engage in them. The day was interesting and developed a sense of community amongst the students who are already looking forward to the Year 12 program.

Year 12 had the opportunity to enjoy a session developed by Griffith University: Blurred Minds. Blurred Minds overarching aim is to delay alcohol drinking initiation for as long as possible. Blurred Minds is a gamified alcohol education program delivered in Australian secondary schools. The program features five lessons that create a fun and interactive environment to teach students about the serious consequences of alcohol and drugs. Students were interested in the facts and statistics shared whilst being open and honest with the presenters, building a sense of community and strengthening relationships within the cohort. The experience of wearing the VAR headsets and trying to catch a ball with the blurring goggles were highlights of the session.

To finish the day Year 12 practised the ancient art of pottery as a mindfulness strategy to manage potential stress as they move towards their final exams. Students worked with their peers to create beautiful clay models whilst giggling and enjoying themselves. This session was a definite highlight and exhibited the creativity and skill of QAHS students.

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Rachael Hart
HOD Global Learners

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Last reviewed 04 June 2021
Last updated 04 June 2021