
QAHS Interact community service


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Since joining QAHS’s Interact group, myself and other Interact members have organised and participated in a multitude of events including the Parkwood/Ashmore Rotary Carols by Candlelight, and the Interact Valentine’s Day fundraiser for the Heart Foundation. 

The Carols by Candlelight event took place in the summer break of 2021-2022. This event was jointly run by the Rotary Clubs of Ashmore and Parkwood as a way to connect and interact with the community. From QAHS, the voluntary Interact members: Stanley Wey, Mariam El-Deeb, Julia Turowski, Ella Silvester, QAHS Interact Club President Janvi Makanjee, and myself (Ashlyn Wells), were given the responsibility of making and selling popcorn to attendees of the event. Stanley also volunteered to dress up as a character from the popular kids TV show, Paw Patrol, for the enjoyment of the younger attendees. This event not only allowed me to have a deeper sense of community integration but also a feeling of personal empowerment from the sense of bringing joy to the attendees. 

Following this event, Janvi and I were invited to attend a Rotary dinner and were awarded a cheque of $656 for our service. This was a surprise to our Interact group as we were unaware that we would receive a “reward” for our service, and we volunteered to encourage community involvement seeking nothing in return. The meeting that Janvi and I attended was an amazing opportunity for the both of us to extend our real-world connections and give us a greater understanding of what Rotary does and how they conduct their affairs.
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The Interact Valentine’s Day fundraiser for the Heart Foundation was a challenge in organising, this was due to the COVID-19 restrictions in place delaying the return to school at the start of 2022. After navigating our online environment, we were able to organise an online meeting with our members to discuss the details about Valentine’s Day. Additionally, this year our Valentine’s Day stall raised the largest amount that QAHS has ever raised in fundraising, which along with the cheque we received, is another first for QAHS and therefore a QAHS Interact first. The Valentine’s Day event included us selling chocolate hearts, chocolate roses, and serenades (carried out by voluntary singers and instrumental accompanists). On the day, we (the members of QAHS Interact) dressed up in fairy wings and pink/red accessories whilst we delivered the Valentine’s Day products to put a smile on all of the recipients faces (and non-recipients) as they enjoyed the love and attention that they received from the groups. This event was a great way to improve my collaboration and communication within a group setting, it also allowed me to see how much time and effort is put into organising school-wide events.

Ashlyn Wells
QAHS Interact Club member

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Last reviewed 25 March 2022
Last updated 25 March 2022